Friday, August 8, 2008

Moral Revelation

Moral Revelation
A fourth argument for the existence of God in the area of general revelation is the moral argument. The moral argument is any argument that seeks to show the existence of God based on the moral compass with in humanity. The very sense of right and wrong points to the foundation of a law giver who has placed that sense within them. Words such as ought and should that are in the minds and lips of humanity find their origin in God who made a standard that one ought and should follow. Even those who would claim a relativistic approach to right and truth and claim that there is no right or wrong and truth does not exist believe that their statement is truth and they are right about their assertions. This standard of right and wrong and existence of truth is not isolated in one given society but expands internationally beyond national borders. Perhaps the applications are different but the idea of right and truth remains the same.

Anthropological Revelation

Anthropological Revelation
A third argument for the existence of God in the area of general Revelation is the anthropological argument. The anthropological argument is any argument that seeks to show the existence of God based on the nature of man. When we look at the way that man is made, intellect, emotions, the ability to make personal intelligent choices, and his social and spiritual aspects, a blind force could never have brought this combination together. The First Cause of intelligent beings would Himself have to have be intelligent. A unintelligent impersonal thing could not bring something intelligent and personal into existence.

Teleological Revelation

Teleological Revelation
A second argument for the existence of God in the area of General Revelation is the teleological argument. The teleological argument is any argument that seeks to show the existence of God based on the fine-tuning of the universe. When we look out at the universe that had a beginning brought about by a personal cause, we discover that Cause is not only personal but purposefully intelligent. There is such precision in the universe to such a degree that any minute change up or down would result in catastrophic disaster. For example the distance that the earth is from the sun, any closer and the earth would melt from the radiation of the sun. In other words it would be too hot. Any further from the sun and we would begin to freeze. This is also seen in the axel orbit that the earth maintains. Or the precise activity of the moon and the control of the tides. The odds of life that is found on planet earth is so huge that chance could not explain it.

One example that is used is the human eye. So complex yet every detail is necessary for proper functionality. If you take one piece away or change it slightly, the eye would not function properly. Now if we were to say compare this with a watch. A watch is so complex yet every detail is necessary for proper functionality. Take away a piece or slightly alter the gears, and you get a broken watch. Now no one argues that the watch just happened to come into existence by random chance, or that a 747 flew over a junk yard and the force of the pass-by caused by chance junk to come together in such a way to produce the mechanical workings of the time piece. If the watch was produced by an intelligent watch maker, then so to the eye, not to mention DNA, the brain, and other amazing realities that point to the existence of an intelligent designer, namely God.

Cosmological Revelation

Cosmological Revelation
First I will start with cosmological revelation, or the Cosmological argument for the existence of the God. Cosmological revelation is used by God to show his existence based on the creation of the universe. The main form of the cosmological argument is the Kalam cosmological argument. This argument seeks to show that God exists based on sufficient evidence for the universe having a beginning. God has revealed His existence based on the evidence He has placed in the universe to show that it had a beginning and thus had a creator.

The argument goes something like this: The universe came into existence at some point in the finite past. The existence of the universe was caused by a personal external being. There are three stages or questions that are answered. As each question is answered it movies into the next stage. The three questions are:
  1. Did the universe have a beginning?
  2. Was that beginning caused?
  3. Was that cause personal?
God has revealed himself in the universe by the very fact that He brought it into existence at some finite time in the past. The universe must have had a beginning based on two known laws within the universe that God Himself built in to point to the revelation of His existence. The first deals with mathematics and the other is in the area of physics. God placed within the area of mathematics the impossibility of actually transversing an infinite number of sequential events. An actual infinitive doesn’t and if it did, one could not transverse or somehow get into it. The idea is that if the universe had a beginning we never would have reached the present point because the universe and its events would be infinite, thus always another event to take place before we got to the present. Since we are here at the present time, the Universe must have had a finite amount of events that point to a beginning point.

I like to use the example of people standing in a classroom. If we were in a classroom of 20 people seated in rows of 5 people per row, and the last row was asked to stand and then each sit one after the other, there would be some time elapsed before the last person sit down. Howbeit that it was a short elapse of time. Now what about the last two rows going through the same process? A little more time would then elapse before the last man standing sat down. Now increase the amount of people standing by the next row, and the next and so on till all 20 people are standing. Now the time has increased a lot. Suppose there was enough people to stand to expand the boards of California and they began the process, it would take a huge amount of time before the last person standing at the other border to finally sit down. Why? Because there is a lot of people that need to set down in front of him before he or she sat down. With this in mind, what if we had an infinite amount of people that were standing and if we could somehow find the first person to set down, how long would it take the last man standing to set down? The answer: He would never sit down, because there would always be another person in the line ahead of him that needed to set down first. In fact you could move up the line to the 5th person till the end and the same thing would occur. He would never sit down. Thus the exhaustion of my point. If the universe had no beginning, there would always be another event/moment that would have to take place before we got to this present event/moment. Since we are here then there must have only been a finite amount of events/moments that took place before us, thus pointing to the beginning of the universe.

Now from this we can establish that since the universe had a beginning or came into existence some finite time ago, and reality states that everything that comes into existence at some point had a cause. Even down to the molecular level such as quantum physics have a cause even if it cannot be determined immediately or it seems to be random.

Finally since the universe had a beginning or came into existence at some finite time ago, and that beginning was caused, the only solution for the final question is that cause was personal. For all that exists within the universe could not have caused by impersonal things.

The other law that God placed within His creation as a revelation of His existence is the 2nd law of thermodynamics. This law states roughly that energy in a closed system will move to equilibrium. In other words the energy in the universe will run down to a equal spread. The idea of this law is that God has placed energy within the universe at its beginning and it is running down to an end. Just like a cup of hot coffee that is placed in a room with the lid removed. Eventually the cup of coffee will no longer have the heat it started out with but the heat will dissipate throughout the room and thus the coffee becomes cold. If the universe always existed and the 2nd law of thermodynamics is correct, then we would have died a infinite time ago and the universe would have lost all of its energy an infinite time ago as well, resulting in a heat death or a black hole somewhere. Since the universe had not lost its energy or experiencing heat death and we are still here, suggests that the universe only existed for a short finite time thus pointing to a beginning once again.