Monday, January 24, 2011

The Existence of God in Genesis Part 1

The Bible assumes the existence of God. Genesis begins by simply stating "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis does not try and prove the existence of God. It does not give any arguments polemically or apologetically regarding God's existence. It simply assumes that God exists. In fact it starts with Gods' creation.

The Bible also assumes that God existed prior to the creation. It does not explicitly say that God has always existed, but the reader does not have to stretch the imagination to conclude that God existed prior to the point at which he created the heavens and the earth. Genesis assumes that God existed prior to "in the beginning." Basically Genesis says, lets go back to where the universe began or where it started. At that point we see God bringing it into existence.

We can also conclude that God is separate from his creation. He is distinct from what he has created. He exists outside the sphere of creation. The Creator must not be confused with his creation.

Genesis 1 also tells us that God is personally and actively involved in his creation. He is the one that spoke light into existence. He is the one that then seperated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night. He is directly and intimately involved in all aspects of his creation.

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